Monday 7 April 2014

The problems that a writer faces and the best possible solution for it

A writer is supposed to know about everything that moves under the sun and about every science, event or art. In short he is supposed to have a view on virtually everything. A perfect example of the proverbial ‘Jack of all trades’ is a writer. His job depends almost completely on gathering knowledge but one thing is far more important and that is proper documentation or organisation of the facts.

Anybody can collect the facts related to something say for example-the Statue of Liberty but it is hard to prepare an article on it. The facts have to be correct and most importantly the must be legible and easily understood by everyone. There should be no random burst of information-instead there shall be a fine and flowing formation of words that will instantly be informative and attractive for a person to read.

The preparation of an article requires utmost care and clarity in writing that must be understandable to the common public. The piece of writing must have clarity that appeals to all classes and standards of people. Then again the message must be successfully conveyed to the particular target group too and that can only be done if the piece is written with clarity.

A very common problem that every good writer faces is overcrowding of facts. There are hundreds of facts and hundreds of different ways to start an article and most of the time the idea gets garbled up in the head. The result is a piece that is a part of all the thought-up ideas and bears no coherent idea. To avoid this nagging problem of mish- mash a writer needs to have a word processing organisational tool.

The tool must have a set of facilities that can considerably help in properly arranging the ideas and plots. The best facility that such an app should have is putting together all the ideas along a common thread and making them easily accessible when needed. The ideas that keep popping out in the head should be available in written form at a touch. These can later be used for writing or editing a new article or also to add a new angle to the one that is being composed now.

Other than that the index card software should have a mandatory grammar check and sentence composition check. This shall help in making better and more attractive sentences.

One such amazing software that is easily available online is Writer’s Block. It has several great facilities and options that will help a writer in all the ways possible. Check it out today at